Good UX/UI design can make a big difference to your company’s image and generate a tangible return on investment, but that’s not the only benefit. Here are five reasons why it pays to invest in good UX/UI design. In a digital environment, it’s important to provide a comfortable and pleasant experience for the customer.

As companies’ day-to-day business moves more and more into the digital world, it is becoming increasingly important to offer their customers the same pleasant experience in this digital environment as they would have in real life. A seamless user experience across all the digital environments of a company’s business, such as website, e-commerce, customer account, mobile app, etc., is the foundation of doing business in today’s digital age, not just the end goal.

Understanding why people visit a company’s website, use its e-shop or other digital environment gives a company a significant business advantage, while also benefiting people. A digital user experience that helps people navigate intuitively in the digital environment, transact seamlessly in the e-store, and brings them products/services that are a pleasure to use is not just a beautiful theory, but the cornerstone of today’s successful business model. Intuitive software or web is visitor-friendly and easy to use.

Intuitive software or the web is visitor-friendly and easy to use.

Five reasons to invest in good UX/UI design:

1. Good UX/UI  makes people happy

Opinion articles, a measure of a website’s popularity, which are an integral part of the online business for any company operating in the online environment today, have a strong impact on the sales volume of a company’s products and services and overall business growth if they are positive. If a company’s product or service, or the experience of using an online store, or any other key part of the company’s business based on UX/UI design, does not live up to expectations, reviews with a positive tone are likely to be missed. By providing people with a pleasant online experience, it encourages them to share their experience with others, making them the best marketers of your company’s products and services.

2. Lower development costs

Not only good UX, but also appropriate UX design is important. Perhaps applying the right resources in the exploration phase of UX development will help save money later on, when the company has moved further along with the development roadmap. This means that the prototype can be made available for people to use right away, and can then be studied to see what their experience is and how they respond to it.

As a result, you either validate the suitability of the design you have chosen, or discover flaws that need to be corrected. It’s better to discover them early, because it’s cheaper to fix them during the prototyping phase than after development.

3. Fewer support service cases

A good user interface generally means, among other things, that the product is easy to use. A good UI means that visitors to a website can find important information easily because the website is designed in such a way that the visitor can navigate intuitively. However, try to imagine the opposite situation: when visiting a company’s website, a visitor is looking for important information but cannot find it: 1) leaves and looks for information elsewhere; or 2) makes a phone call, submits a message to customer support or sends an e-mail.

If the product is an app, users who cannot find the information they are looking for will call a customer service agent or send a message to customer support. This puts an additional burden on customer support, requiring more time, money, manpower from the whole business that would otherwise not be needed if the UI had been properly designed from the start.

4. Better conversion rating

Having a good user interface (UI) design increases the chances of visitor conversion. Creating a better bridge to visitor engagement. The UI designer’s job is to create facilitative pathways for the visitor to navigate the website in a way that attracts them towards the desired outcome – a sale. A good user interface means that a website or product alleviates problems – whether by providing menus, buttons and other interaction elements – or by providing features that make certain tasks easier to perform.

Why invest in UX design services? Nowadays, user interface design usually means personalisation. Users have come to expect your business to be distinctive, personal and good looking. By doing this, you are helping the user to be more productive, which in the world of conversion means that if everything is done well then that conversion percentage will be higher and sales figures will increase.

Meeting expectations is based on research. Through UI and UX research, developers can get a better understanding of what they need to do to create a seamless experience for the website visitor. Meanwhile, you need to thoroughly research who your customers are. Then, the web agency will be able to create a better engagement with the users through the landing page, which will help to better engage with the customer. The better your product/service website aligns with your visitors’ needs and wants, the better your sales – conversion rating will be. Therefore, one possible goal is to invest in the user experience to achieve even greater visitor engagement. Example. They found that design-conscious companies outperformed other companies by more than 200%.

5. More customer loyalty

When visitors land on your website or use your app, you only have a few seconds in which to make a primary impact. The impact made in that first moment is crucial. If the UX design is good, you have the opportunity to quickly gain trust. The value of trust cannot be underestimated in the customer experience, which starts from the moment a user comes to your website.

People prefer brands they like when trust is needed. A seamless digital experience with a good user interface also increases brand awareness, which also helps to build customer trust. Ultimately, the key elements of customer loyalty are brand trust and brand awareness.

A good UX design and user interface is crucial in today’s world. Whether it’s a website, a mobile app, a visitor account or a piece of software for a company employee. The goal is simple – to make everything simpler, easier to understand and more beautiful for the visitor. It’s also the reason to invest in good UX/UI design. Because simplification is the mission!