If you’re an entrepreneur, you have a product or service that you want to successfully reach people and, of course, sell, one answer to the question in the headline is that you need to go mobile with your business. That doesn’t mean you need to spin the wheels off your business and move from one place to another, it means your business needs to have a decent and functional website – with a particular focus on making it great on mobile.


Recent internet research says that 50% of all online purchases today are made on mobile, and this number is growing irreversibly year on year. 2025. By 2025, the figure is projected to rise to 90%. That’s a huge leap, and an opportunity. Not so long ago, mobile was just for making calls and playing games, but now people are not only buying milk, bread and cinema tickets on their mobile, but also training courses, holidays, expensive household appliances, cars, real estate. Absolutely everything. Think about the last time you bought something or searched for information on someone else’s website via your mobile. Did you find what you were looking for? Was the buying process easy, quick and convenient or did something frustrate you? What was your impression of the website? Research says that if people can’t find the information they are interested in quickly on a website, or if the buying process is too complicated, or if there is no instant booking/purchase option at all, they will give up in less than 1 minute and move on to another site that has these options.

If we know the numbers, if we know the trends, where the world is going and how people behave, then every forward-looking business needs to ask itself a simple question: is my website modern and easy to use on mobile?

This is a point that will be crucial in 2021. People’s internet usage is going up, internet shopping is going up and, as I mentioned earlier, 50% of all internet purchases are already made through mobile. The world is changing. People are changing. Your business website needs to change with it. Mobile. A website today is not just a place where people get your phone number and email. It’s a place where people make real buying decisions, if the website has enough relevant information that is clearly expressed and easy to consume. If the website on mobile is also well-designed, logical, fast and has a payment function, then real sales will happen. It’s as simple as that.

So, good entrepreneur, I urge you to pick up your mobile phone right now, go to your company website and look at it through the eyes of a complete stranger. You may find, unexpectedly even to yourself, that this is not the best experience. If it is, it’s time for a change. This could be one of the keys to success in 2021 and beyond!

I am the creator and manager of Best Web Agency. I’ve been creating websites for businesses and helping them find their web identity since 2008.

What continues to motivate me in my work is the opportunity to interact with entrepreneurial people, learn about their business and translate it into a modern digital format. Our motto is a well thought out concept, a powerful design and great copy that will make your website speak the same language to the website visitor!

Ergo Olek